There was an abundance of color out on the ice last week at the Pole—lots of photo shoots in preparation of celebrating Polar Pride Day on November 18. Above we see some of the winterovers captured in midair as they engaged in a pride “jump.” The photo was taken by South Pole Telescope winterover Aman Chokshi, who has been friend and fellow winterover to IceCube’s two winterovers this past year and has graciously shared some amazing photographs with us during this time. (For those who’ve wondered what Aman looks like, he’s posing in the image directly below.) Next is a photo of some winterovers at the satellite dome, which is blocking the sun but framed in a nice sun dog [1, 2]. They were watching an air drop—treats falling from the sky. The treats were crates filled with oranges, apples, and onions, so welcome after a long winter without fresh fruit. More “freshies,” as they call them there, will be arriving at the Pole as summer flight activity picks up.