As covered in a recent BBC article, Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophyics Center (WIPAC) postdoc Tom Weisgarber shared results at the April American Physical Society meeting from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov gamma-ray observatory, or HAWC. Built to detect cosmic rays and gamma rays, HAWC has the capability to observe the high-energy gamma-ray sky for transients and new sources at higher energies than any other observatory.
Construction of the observatory began in 2011, and will be completed in 2014. Recent results use data from the partial detector, and the US-Mexican HAWC collaboration looks forward to exciting results as the detector grows. HAWC is a collaboration of 11 Mexican and 17 US institutions with University of Maryland being the lead US institution.
WIPAC graduate students Dan Fiorino, Ian Wisher, and Zig Hampel-Arias also presented analyses from HAWC at the meeting.